Sunday, July 20, 2014

That Can't Be Comfortable...

Last Friday, Aaron and I got to see what our little guy looks like up on the big screen - the ultra sound! It never ceases to amaze me how much he changes! I now have the pictures from my eight week ultra sound (when he really was a bean... sized that is, haha), my 21 week, and now, my 33 week. It's incredible the growth when you lay them all out next to each other! Anyways, with how this baby boy has been moving, I was definitely curious to see how he was positioned, and let's be honest... it was weird!

Baby Jack's little face!

As the tech skimmed over my belly with the ultra sound stick (I don't really know what it's called, but it looks like a stick), the first thing that was obvious was that this kid is still breech. He was breech during my 21 week ultra sound too. Clearly, he hasn't gotten the memo yet to flip over! But what was more odd? His feet were up by his head! That just can't be comfortable! Aaron and I got a pretty good laugh out of the image. Our baby is already strange like his mom and dad, haha! The ultra sound tech said if he stays in this strange position through the rest of my pregnancy and is delivered like that too, that for a while outside the womb, he'll continue to throw his legs up to his head! She said those were always the funny babies to look at in the nursery! It makes sense, and it's an absolutely a hilarious picture to imagine. I honestly doubt my little bean will stay in that position though, you all should see the way he moves! My stomach lurches side to side all day long! Even Nick Toma has witnessed it during our 9pm show! The baby seems especially active during the newscast and I can only assume that's because he wants to show off to the viewers; a ham just like his mama, haha!

In all seriousness though, I now have a c-section scheduled because baby Jack is still breech. It's not set in stone though. My doctor gave me some exercises to try and encourage him to flip around. I also have earned another two ultra sounds running right up to the due date. If he rotates, then I won't need the c-section, but my doctor wanted to play it safe and get it on the books because he says it's easier to cancel it than schedule it too far down the road. I fully trust my doctor and I know he's not just suggesting a c-section for the heck of it. He admitted that often times when babies are breech in first-time moms, there's a reason for it (as in maybe my body just isn't built to deliver naturally). He also said that trying to deliver a breech baby naturally can be extremely dangerous. So as much as I want to give birth "the normal way", as long as Jack comes out healthy, I don't mind being cut open. Whatever will be, will be.

In the meantime, I've gone into nesting mode. I've been working hard on the bean's nursery during my days off, and I've managed to wash all his little clothes in dreft (a lot of his clothes my mom and mother-in-law picked up from garage sales or are hand-me-downs from my cousin's kiddo). Let's be real here, washing baby clothes is the happiest I've ever been doing laundry... though I'm sure that will change once he's here and actually dirtying them up with bodily fluids. My sister is coming into town this week so I'm planning on getting crafty when it comes to decorations for his room. That's right, all those well-intentioned pins from Pinterest will finally be put to good use! Does anyone have good organization tips for a small nursery? I'm not the greatest at organizing and I want to set up Jack's room as practically as possible.

Well that's all for now, this mama is exhausted! I can't believe how terribly I sleep now that I have a bigger baby in my belly. Between my back or stomach hurting, getting up to use the restroom, or walking out a charlie horse, I wake up almost as tired as when I climbed in bed! But I do love waking up and feeling the little guy move around in there. I can't wait to meet him!

1 comment:

  1. I could not sleep the last month of my pregnancy either! Hang in there! For now:
