Wednesday, August 13, 2014

C'mon Bean, I'm ready for You!

Patience. I lack it.

On Friday, I will officially clock in at 37 weeks pregnant! Ding! Ding! Ding! That means baby Jack would not be considered premature if I had him any point after! That being said, bring on the bean!

I have baby on the brain, and that's about it. I find myself hoping each day will go quickly, because that means I'm one day closer to meeting this little guy. Do you realize how long that makes the work week feel? Today I thought it was Friday at one point... it's Wednesday. When I'm not at work, I just want to work on baby Jack's nursery, or clean (that's definitely me nesting because Lord knows, I'm not a neat freak, haha!). I hate feeling like this. I keep trying to remind myself that I need to enjoy some quality time with Aaron while it's just the two of us because those moments will be few and far between when the baby arrives. I just can't help all the butterflies I keep getting!

Have I mentioned that I have the best husband ever? The past few weeks have been tough because he's going back to school for his MBA, but he made up for it 10 fold this weekend alone. Before I even woke up Saturday morning, he already got the oil changed in my car and was going grocery shopping for me. Yes, he was GROCERY SHOPPING! He LOATHES tackling my 2 week grocery lists alone (I can't blame him, I hate tackling them alone too). Then, when he got back we both worked on painting. He tackled kitchen cabinets, and I started on the ceiling in the baby's room. We soon realized that I'm not good at painting the ceiling... so he took over, and I worked on baby shower thank-you notes. Aaron also knows I've been getting increasingly uncomfortable, so he takes it upon himself to give this sore mama a back massage. Anywho, brag session over, but I seriously don't know what I'd do without him. He's going to be such an amazing dad.

My aunt and uncle were also a huge help this weekend. They loaded up their van with all my baby shower goodies and drove it from St. Louis to our house just for the weekend. My aunt single=handedly organized all our mudroom (which was filled to the brim with baby goodies), and ran stuff either down a flight of stairs to the basement, or up a flight of stairs to the nursery... what a workout! We girls had to have some fun though, so we did a little shopping! I pretty much have refused to by any clothes for the bean since everyone else has done such a good job of that for me, but I caved when I saw a hilarious onsie at Babies R Us. It took everything I had not to buy the whole darn wall of clothes, including a ridiculously cute leather jacket (it was $36...babies just don't wear stuff long enough to make that price tag justifiable)!

Baby Jack will look like such a gentleman in his new onsie!

Next up on my to-do list... pack my hospital bag! Maybe that will encourage him to hurry up and get here, haha! But seriously, any suggestions of what to pack? I want to make the whole hospital thing as simple, yet comfortable, as possible.

Also, check out this story Eyewitness News did on the "Polar Vortex" baby boom. It's so true! I have a half dozen friends popping out children around the same time as I'm scheduled to!

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