Thursday, August 7, 2014

Ready to Launch!

He's head down, folks!

The exercises my doctor told me to do to turn my breech baby around... worked! He told me last week that he felt like the baby had rotated, but today we got the proof thanks to an ultra sound. You know what that means? This girl's c-section has been canceled! Whew hoo! I'd do anything to have my baby come out safe and sound, but I'm rather glad that I don't have to dread surgery.

My appointment today was filled with fun facts! Baby bean now weighs a whopping 5 pounds 10 ounces, which puts him on track to weigh 7 pounds 10 ounces at birth (if he makes it the full 40 weeks). If you recall, my due date is September 5, but my doctor is predicting he comes on Labor Day... how appropriate, yes? haha! So far my doctor is 2 for 2 on his guesses (first guess was that the baby was a boy, second guess was that he had his head down), so I'm assuming he'll be right on this one too. The baby is sitting low, and I can tell! It feels like he's going to fall out sometimes when I get up out of my chair or when I'm walking around. I told this to my doctor and he said that would certainly be a first, haha! I'm so thankful my appointment went well today! God is looking out of my little family.

My goal this weekend is to finish painting Jack's room and get it organized. Neither of these tasks will be easy, but they both need to get done. Then, I'll just sit back and wait for this little guy to make his great escape. I'm so ready to meet him! I know he needs to cook longer, but I wouldn't be upset if he came early as long as I'm all organized and his room is ready, haha! Maybe I'm being selfish, but I'm ready to get my body back. It's amazing how the human body can grow another, but it also isn't the most comfortable thing in the world. Thank God I have a good husband who doesn't mind giving me a back massage, and co workers who aren't too weirded out by me producing a newscast standing on my knees to give my ribs a break, haha!

I'm officially 36 weeks which means the countdown is on. Moms and dads out there, what one thing would you make a priority before the baby arrives? Relaxation? Organization? Share your thoughts!

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