Sunday, August 17, 2014

Non-Stress, No Problem!

What a ham!

The bean was such a show-off at my non-stress test, Friday. The doctor hooked me up to all kinds of fun contraptions to monitor my baby's heart rate and movement. Gotta say, that was the easiest doctor's appointment ever: lay there and push a button every time he moves... yeah, I think I can handle that, haha! The way this kid moves, I can't say I was too worried. In no time flat he had moved so much that the belts strapped to my belly had nearly slid off where the nurse placed them!

Bottom line: the doctor said the charts didn't look good... they looked PERFECT! God is truly watching over our baby boy and I couldn't feel more blessed.

What gets awkward is nearly every appointment, the doctor asks me if I have had contractions...and I generally answer "no". Honestly, I think I have had a few Braxton Hicks going off what I've read they feel like, but that's just it, I have no idea what a contraction feels like! I've had TONS of strange feelings ranging from a little pressure, to pains shooting down my legs, but how the heck am I supposed to answer that daunting question when this is my first pregnancy and I have no clue what anything feels like?! So frustrating. I'm sure I'll know when I'm in labor...? Oh, here's a random question for any of my fellow lady friends out there who are or have been preggers: did you have nausea this late (37 weeks) in the game? I was one of the lucky few out there that didn't have morning sickness whatsoever early on, but last night and a few other times I've felt the urge to get sick. Thankfully, I haven't, but I have clung to the trashcan anticipating the worst.

On a lighter note, I got more work done in his nursery this weekend, and that's lifting so much stress off my shoulders. I basically just have to add a few decorative touches and it should be done (not that the kid will spend much time in there at first)!
Don't worry, the blanket will come down. It's just decorative :)
37 Weeks!
Happy 37 weeks (and 2 days now, haha) to baby Jack! I can't wait for his arrival! I'd take any prayers and positive thoughts you might be willing to share for not only a healthy baby, but for patience. I just want him here, selfishly, and I know he's going to stay put until he's ready... so it's out of my control, and that is just killing me!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Back to the grind tomorrow. Let's do this.

Also, feel free to connect with me on my Facebook page and via Twitter! I promise not to clog up your news feeds :)


  1. My comment faded away! I'll try again. Yes, some of us get sick... all THROUGH the pregnancy. Smells really set me off. Certain smells really didn't click with me. I am very excited for you and WOW that's a lot of baby for a little gal! I know Jack will be loved! ~ me!
