Monday, August 4, 2014

Showered With Love Part 2: Busy and Blessed

Two showers in two days = one tired mama!

My gorgeous shower cake!
Aaron and I hit the road this weekend for food, fun and lots of family! And what kind of adventure would it be if we didn't encounter at least one snag? Well at least it came early in the trip so we got it over with quickly. Bright and early Friday morning, Aaron and I grabbed our suitcases, packed up the car and pointed it south (ish) to Missouri, but we didn't get too far. We recently had the transmission replaced in our car (that's a whole other story), but to make a long story short, it started acting up again. We turned the car around, dropped it off at the shop and once again, hit the road. Sadly, that little excursion cost us a good 3 hours out of our lives we'll never get back, not to mention it tacked on extra time in the car that this mom-to-be was less than thrilled about (those seats are not meant for tall, pregnant women). Oh well, the transmission is covered under a warranty, and after our detour, we still made it to Aaron's family's house by about 6:30 Friday night. 

Aaron's middle brother started the weekend of baby parties off with one all the men out there can appreciate: a diaper party at a bar on a Friday night. Booze and babies? Who says they can't be combined... haha! His friends donated diapers of all brands and sizes, along with some wipes and dreft detergent. Not too shabby considering most of the party goers were dudes in their twenties. 

Saturday marked round one of the official celebrations for the bean. This party came complete with Aaron's grandma's AMAZING cooking! Can you say homemade Mexican food? What more does one need?!?! Aaron and I made out like a bandit! We got several things off our registry and his great aunt sewed us a whole box of homemade goodies! There's nothing better than crocheted baby blankets and soft flannel burp rags (among tons of other homemade stuff)! Aaron's mom planned out the party and didn't skimp on the details, like delicious bakery cupcakes and cute decorations. I'm so thankful I have great in-laws to party with and I know they can't wait to meet baby Jack.

Aaron and I hopped in the car and made the 1.5 hour trek to my hometown Saturday night so we could hang out with my family ahead of shower #2 on Sunday. When we woke up, right away the gift opening began! From cute clothes, to a diaper bag stuffed with everything a new mom needs, to a soft quilt with family connections, they spared no time spoiling the bean before his shower! And as far as the shower goes, no words can describe how truly epic it was. It was a Cardinals' fan's paradise! Cracker "Jack" and peanut party favors, baseball decorations, this shower had it all! My aunt planned out the party and I have to say, I'm pretty sure she should make a living out of work like that. My entire family made it out, some of whom I haven't seen in a couple years. Again, Aaron and I raked in the goodies, but I have to say, the best part was really just seeing everyone. 
My mom, AKA "Glam-ma" and I at the shower!
Thankfully, my aunt and uncle like us enough to see us again this coming weekend. They're bringing up all the goodies we couldn't fit in our car (most of which didn't fit). I can't wait to dig into everything and get it organized!

In the meantime, I have an ultra sound this week to see if baby bean has finally rotated himself in the proper position. I stick by my gut feeling that he's gonna come early. Did anyone else have nausea and side paints in the last trimester? I was lucky enough to bypass morning sickness early on but I feel like it's been catching up with me recently. I'm also tired 24/7. 

That being said, my eyes are rolling into the back of my head as I finish up this post. I'll leave you all with one more question: what was the shower gift you received that you found to be something you couldn't live with out? 


  1. It's the one I didn't get that I begged for / demanded once she arrived at the hospital - a bopee pillow!!

  2. I have to say, Tim was pacing the diaper aisle at Wal-mart trying to find some for the diaper party. He eventually stopped an employee to ask her how to know the difference between boy and girl diapers... ;) I love reading your entries! We are so excited for you and Aaron and can't wait to meet baby Jack! :)
