Monday, September 1, 2014

And The Real Countdown Begins...

T-minus just a few days until my little one's due date!

39 Weeks Pregnant!
I can't believe my due date is THIS FRIDAY!!!!! The bean is almost here! I have to say though, he can come annnnnny time he wants now. Clearly, I'm not a patient person, haha! This weekend, I think the husband and I tried every trick in the book to induce labor, from walking, to swinging, to eating spicy food, but to no avail. I'm open to suggestions of other things to try too by the way. My grandma reminded me this weekend that "when the apple is ripe, it will fall from the tree," and I'm trying to keep that in mind, but it's so tough when you're at this point! Not only do I want to meet my little man, but I'm also uncomfortable, especially at night when I'm trying to sleep.

Nonetheless, Aaron and I have made the most of our time together. I did a little shopping at my favorite antique shops (I'm a HUGE antique nerd), we went out to eat and then hit up the Belvidere vs. Belvidere North game on Saturday with Mimi and her hubby. Sunday, we went to church and then had lunch with our two friends and their adorable 3 kiddos. It was time well spent as a family of two.

Baby Jack's nursery is pretty much ready for him now (minus a little housekeeping)! The pictures are hung, and tonight Aaron set up his little swing. Can I just say that I wish there was a swing for adults like this one? Why do kids get all the fun stuff?!?! 

Epic swing is now set up!

My gut is telling me that this child is going to make me go past my due date and I don't think I'll handle it gracefully if I do, sadly. I've seriously been praying for patience each night before I go to bed. I know I should trust God's plan and that obviously the kid will come out eventually, but it's just so hard sometimes! What's more frustrating is that I don't feel like I've really experienced any of the common signs of labor. Did anyone else feel like this? Did everything eventually just hit at once? Perhaps my frustration is compounded by the fact that  all my friends keep posting about their pre-labor pains and they aren't even as far along as me... Everyone is seriously popping out babies right now! I think I need to stay off Facebook because it's only enhancing my frustrations, haha!

Alright everyone, hopefully my next post will be about my brand new baby boy and his arrival. Any final words of advice for this first-time mom-to-be?

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