Friday, September 19, 2014

Welcome to Motherhood!

I can't believe it's been two weeks since baby Jack made his great escape!

Every time I look into his little face, my heart melts. I also can't help but worry a little bit. I want to keep him this age forever so that no kids can ever pick on him, no one can ever hurt him, and he doesn't have to deal with our messed up and confusing world. Is that borrowing trouble? Most definitely. I just love him so much.

Jack is such a good baby. The child fusses very little, but my goodness can he generate some laundry! I'm so thankful my mom was here for the past couple weeks to help out. She did ENDLESS loads of laundry and cooked for us too. Jack tends to wet himself frequently because preemie diapers are too small and newborn diapers are a bit too large for his skinny butt! Anyone else have this problem? Aaron and I have found that Luvs work the best for him, but we still end up changing Jack's clothes and sheets about 3-5 times a day because he leaks! And trust me, we check his diaper frequently, so it's not like we're letting him fill it before it gets changed.

 My mom and I took Jack on a little outing the other day just to get out.
First trip out!
I was definitely getting cabin fever but I knew I wouldn't last long. In fact, Jack outlasted mommy! We went to the mall briefly, then to Olive Garden for lunch. It felt SO GOOD to get out however brief our adventure was. I never thought it would take my body so long to recover from labor and delivery. I'm sure that sounds silly because it's not everyday one pushes out a child, but I thought I'd be back in action within a week! No lies, probably the most difficult part of these past couple weeks is coming to the realization that I'm still healing and I just can't be as productive as I want to be yet. I'm used to a job where I go, go, go all the time, so staying at home and laying on the couch makes me feel like a bum even though I know it's what I need to do to heal. At least my little guy is here and I can snuggle with him whenever I want (and let's be real, this child relaxes is mommy's arms WAY MORE than he's in his crib or pack n' play, haha)!

The love and support for Jack has been unending. As I said, my mom stayed with us since the day after he was born through yesterday. My sister is coming to stay with me this weekend since Aaron is in a wedding in Missouri. My mother-in-law is then coming up Sunday to stay with us a week. Not to mention the fact that we've had plenty of visits from friends (shout out to Nick Toma and Mimi Murphy for popping in to meet Jack), and members of our church took time out of their day to cook us dinner and stop by for a visit. Aaron and I also received gorgeous flowers from both his job and of course from my WTVO/WQRF family. Thanks everyone for the love!
Flowers from WTVO!
Jack is healthy. Mom is recovering. Dad is kicking butt both at work and at home. What more can I ask for? God is good.

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