Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Baby Jack Has Arrived!

Wow, it's been a while since my last post, but that's because A LOT has happened! I'm proud to announce that baby Jack Anthony is here!

On Thursday, Sept. 4, I went to the doctor's for an ultra sound, non-stress test, and exam. When I left, I had an induction scheduled for 8 pm that very night! Sadly, little Jack had gained less than a pound since my 36 week ultra sound, and he also had his cord around his neck. Both of those facts sent me into panic mode, but my doctor reassured me that both issues are very common, he just thought it would be best to go ahead and get him out. And so the start of a very long night began!

Aaron and I got to SwedishAmerican at 7:45, but they were so busy that the actual induction didn't start until a little before midnight! We both got very little sleep between the start of contractions, frequent nurse check-ups, and getting my epidural (which was surprisingly not nearly as painful as I thought it would be!). Once the drugs kicked in, I was able to nap and I'm glad I did while I could. As the day went on, Friday, things certainly didn't get easier. I was really excited at one point because I dilated from a 2 to an 8 in about an hour and a half, but because it happened so quick, the epidural wasn't adequately keeping up. I ended up with one completely dead, numb leg, and the other was pretty mobile. That means I started feeling the contractions, and I was feeling them when they were at their strongest... ouch! I don't know how women do it completely epidural free because what I felt, sucked! Baby wasn't doing so well with my contractions either. His heart rate plummeted pretty far at times, and so they had to hook up what the nurse described as a "whirlpool" for the baby and they gave me an oxygen mask. By about 4:00 pm, I was completely dilated and ready to go. The doctor let me "labor down" for a bit and by 5:55, I pushed out my handsome man. What a feeling. I've never felt my heart soar as much as it did when they laid his little 6lb, 6oz body on mine. Jack Anthony arrived and was healthy as can be!

Family of 3!
No happier feeling in the world.

My husband's parents, my parents and my sister and her husband all came to the hospital to see our little man and we definitely appreciated the love and support. The hospital stay wasn't the most pleasant for me (VERY SORE!), but seeing Jack's face made it all worth while. We finally got to leave Sunday night and let me just say, it felt AMAZING to be home.

Homeward bound!

My mom and dad greeted us and have been a big help these past few days. Jack is a VERY GOOD BABY! He rarely fusses, only when he's being changed or needs a bottle. Yeah, our sleep pattern is interrupted, but again, when we see his little face, a full night's sleep just doesn't even matter. He's already trying to hold his head up (which he does successfully for a few seconds! Not bad for being a few days old!), and he makes the funniest faces! They say your newborn smiles without knowing it, but Aaron and I think otherwise. Jack smiles A LOT, and we like to think it's because he's such a happy baby. If' I'm wrong, I just assume not be corrected, haha!

As for mom and dad, we're getting the hang of this whole parenting thing. I'm still moving pretty slow, so Aaron has really stepped up his game. Nothing makes me more proud than seeing my husband be a great dad.

Did I mention that Jack has already made his TV debut? Check out the link here. Shout out to my Eyewitness News family for all their love and support. I'm going to miss them for the next several weeks.

We appreciate all the positive thoughts and prayers being sent our way. Labor was a little sketchy, but everything ended up being just fine. God is good.
Sleeping beauty.

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