Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Trial and Error

Newborns are tough to figure out...

Passed Out! Haha!
I have the sweetest baby boy in the whole wide world (I know, every mom says that), which is why it bothers me so bad when I can't figure out why he's upset. I'm blessed because Jack is not fussy, but when he is, then I feel like something is definitely wrong.

Recently my little man has been battling a gassy tummy. It was bad enough last Friday that I don't think I slept a wink, and immediately brought him to the pediatrician the next day. I know, I know, first time mommy worries. Thank goodness they are open on Saturdays! I know lots of babies battle gas, but it's painful for me to watch Jack squirm and hear his stomach roll. The doctor recommended I try using the gas relief drops for infants, and pace him while he eats. I asked whether I should try a new formula (currently I'm using Enfamil Newborn), and she said that wasn't necessary, although she pointed out that Enfamil makes a gentle formula. Unfortunately, Jack HATES the Gentlease formula. I bought the drops and tried to pace him (because he inhales the stuff) but it still wasn't all that much better. Then my mother-in-law noticed the bottles and nipples I was using were actually for babies 3 months on up. I know, rookie mistake. Now we're using the Playtex Nurser "Naturalatch" bottles and nipples, along with purified water. I don't want to jinx anything, but those changes seemed to have helped. I've even backed off using the gas relief drops as much as possible. He still gets squirmy so it's not a perfect solution, but it's a start. Has anyone else battled the gassy stomach? How long did the phase last, and what did you do to cut down on your newborn's misery? 

On a brighter note, Jack, my mother-in-law and I all went to the park Tuesday afternoon. When it's this gorgeous outside, how can you not enjoy it? It was Jack's first time out in the elements (other than running into a store) and he handled it pretty well! He only had a couple small fits and they were quickly squelched! It felt so good to get out of the house and even better to get a little exercise. 
First Trip to the Belvidere Park!

I've been feeling better and better which is definitely helping my mood. I wouldn't say I've had the baby blues or post postpartum depression, but the crazy hormones have definitely caught me off guard a couple times. My poor husband and mother-in-law have witnessed me cry my eyes out while laughing simultaneously because even I can't figure out what's wrong, haha! Who knew the aftershock of having a kid could mess with your body so much?! 

I'm also starting to get the hang of taking Jack out with me, but it's definitely stressful. I can't wait for him to be able to hold his head up because I feel like his head just hangs so awkwardly in his car seat. The hospital made sure to show me how to put Jack in it right, but it just looks so uncomfortable! I also hate that he has to face the back. I understand why, but let's be real, it stinks to not be able to reach back and give him his pacifier without have to pull over and get out to do so. What have you guys found works to pacify your upset newborn in the car? Jack does well for the most part, but he's had a couple outbursts while I've been driving and I feel so helpless! At least he does well in the stroller (even though it's heavy)! 

And on that note, I'm taking the little guy upstairs for bed! Here's to broken up sleep, haha! 

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